Linky Dink

Linky Dink helps content creators put their content in the calendars of their fans. Perfect for 30-day fitness programs.


Users could save links to YouTube videos to their calendars

Adding to your calendar

Creators had a dashboard to create a series of videos

Creator interface



Linky Dink landed some high-profile customers (e.g. Yoga with Adriene) but could not attract a sufficiently large customer base.


  • Finding first customers through cold outreach is a slog: around 0.5% conversion on cold outreach

Technology tested

  • Vue3
  • Vite
  • AWS Cognito user management
  • Stripe Checkout

Lean canvas


  • YouTubers need repeat viewers for evergreen content; notifications only happen for new content
  • Fans want to follow a whole series (e.g. 30 days of yoga)


  • Creators can create a 'series' of links
  • Fans set their time preferences
  • All links are added to the user's calendar

Key metrics

  • Number of link clicks (total and per creator)
  • Number of series added to calendars
  • Number of creators

Unique value proposition

  • One link => full series engagement

Unfair advantage

  • Simplicity


  • YouTube descriptions and comments

Customer segment

  • Fitness youtubers
  • Fitness youtuber fans

Cost structure

  • Tech costs: domain, serverless functions. <$500/year until profitable
  • Processing fees: 5%

Revenue streams

  • Subscriptions: $5/month per creator