AI-enabled MVP development

Objective: taking a vague idea and creating a product with real, paying customers.

HodgoLabs has a proven process that accelerates your time-to-market.


MVP development services are a crucial step in turning your ideas into a viable product. At its core, MVP (Minimum Viable Product) development is about creating a basic version of your product that can be tested and refined based on user feedback. Our team of expert developers will work with you to bring your vision to life, creating a streamlined, user-friendly experience that will help you validate your product and gather valuable insights.

Our MVP development services are designed to provide you with a solid foundation for your product, while keeping costs and time-to-market to a minimum. We use fit-for-purpose technologies and development methodologies to create an efficient and scalable product that meets your unique needs.

Whether you’re launching a new startup, building a new product line, or expanding your existing offerings, our MVP development services can help you get there faster and with greater confidence.

Artificial intelligence

“AI is whatever hasn’t been done yet” - Larry Tesler

In the 1990s, the internet was game-changing. In 2007, it was the introduction of the iPhone. In 2023, the capabilities of AI models is just as exciting. Are you ready?

At HodgoLabs, we are using AI in two ways:

  1. Embedding AI capabilities in our product launches, and
  2. Using AI tools to accelerate development speeds


  1. Lean canvas: A one-page business plan that helps you identify your target audience, the problem you are solving, your unique value proposition, key metrics, revenue streams, and cost structure. It’s a quick way to organise your thoughts and test the feasibility of your business idea. And most importantly, we help you simplify the initial solution to avoid wasted investment of development time.

  2. UX journey: A visual representation of the user’s experience with your product or service, from the initial discovery phase to the final conversion or purchase. It helps you understand the user’s needs, motivations, pain points, and decision-making process, which can guide your design and development decisions.

  3. Technical feasibility: Evaluation of the technical requirements and constraints of your product or service. This includes analyzing the infrastructure, tools, and resources required for development, testing, and deployment. It’s essential to ensure that your product or service is technically feasible before moving forward with design and development.

  4. Branding: Creation of a brand identity that reflects your business values, personality, and goals. This includes developing a name, logo, color scheme, and visual elements that are consistent with your brand message and resonate with your target audience.

  5. Technical design: Detailed technical specifications and wireframes that outline the functionality, features, and user interface of your product or service. This includes defining the architecture, data flow, user workflows, and integrations required for the development process.

  6. Build, test, and deploy: The final step in the process, which involves building, testing, and deploying your product or service. This includes coding, debugging, and testing the product or service to ensure that it meets the technical specifications and user requirements. Once the product or service is ready, it can be deployed to production and made available to the target audience.

Once an initial product is live, user feedback and analytics can feed further iterations of the product.


Launching an MVP prioritises speed-to-market and low-cost over scalability or future-proofing. We help you select the right solution and technology to fit your use case. This includes, but not limited to:

  • Web front-ends (HTML, CSS, JavaScript including frameworks like Vue)
  • AI integrations (e.g. GPT)
  • Serverless (e.g. AWS Lambda, API gateway)
  • Servers (Linux, Go, Node, Python)
  • Mobile (Flutter, native Android)
  • Hardware (e.g. circuit design, PCB design, prototype manufacturing)